24 Nov 2009

memorial flame

memorial flame, originally uploaded by funkyb.

One of the thousands of candle lit bags with messages of support, loss and hope at the Relay for Life Joondalup 2009

23 Jul 2009

St George The Slayer

Iconic carving of St George slaying the dragon taken in St George's Cathedral Perth Australia

I've never understood how a man can be considered a saint if he has lived a life of violence.

I spose the dragon may represent evil or pagan ways but it still doesn't sit well with me..

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20 Jul 2009

1/2 price miracles.. get em while they last

My head works in mysterious ways, as soon as saw these two signs together while on the Scott Kelby worldwide photo walk I thought.. I can just see the Pope on TV doing an infomercial or "going broke" ad.

"I've had to shut down 2 Cathedral's already and I'll do anything to keep the rest open."

Blessing's from $2
Miracles an insane $199 .. thats 1/2 price!

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17 Jul 2009

Sushi ( Norimake-Zushi)

I LOVE making my own sushi.
I have a great authentic recipe that is a bit fiddly from an old Madhur Jaffrey cookbook . You need to soak the rice the day before and once cooked spread it out on the bench & fan to cool while stiring in the vinegar/sugar mix.
Its well worth every minute though (even cleaning the bench down) as the rice is perfect.

I usually just make a simple version with mashed pickled plum (umeboshi), braised shitake mushroom, toasted sesame seeds and some cucumber

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13 Jul 2009

My Old Boots

These boots have been with me for over 14 years. They have been on my feet when I was an executive Chef, made a brief appearance on TV, been around most of Western Europe and seen my sons grow from babies to young men who then "borrowed" them to use as motorbike boots in the goldfields. Now as my sons have gotten older they have become the home of spiders and bugs but I can't bear to throw them away and every now and again I bang out the residents and slip them on to do a bit of gardening. They aren't comfortable or waterproof, but they are so much more than shoes, they are living history.

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7 Jul 2009


I love the earthiness of bamboo & its simple strength.

I love the smell of it when its dried, the sound it makes as the wind blows through a grove, the vivid colour and shape of its leaves and even the taste of its shoots.

I love that it brings back memories of teetering scaffolding in Denpasar, of dirt poor street vendors roasting corn on the streets of Kathmandhu and of trekking through rainforests holding my sons hands in Malaysia while torrential rains swelled the streams to torrents..

Here's to you bamboo..
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24 Jun 2009

Rain on The Black Pearls

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Devi's Fall Pokhara Nepal

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20 Jun 2009

Sleepy jewellery seller in Namche

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18 Jun 2009

The steel guitar player or Blues 1931-36

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17 Jun 2009

Pepper the cat II

Split toning experiment and a very short DOF
The cat is rolling around in the sand though it looks a bit more sinister

Body Boarder

end of the day

15 Jun 2009

Pepper the cat

Pepper the cat, originally uploaded by funkyb.

Split toning experiment and a very short DOF with my reluctant cat

13 Jun 2009

Alan Lamb's Wogarno Wire Music

Tensioned wire at Wogarno Hill with audio pickups on them to record sound waves passing through from people talking or playing at either end into foam boxes.

It sounded absolutley incredible....

12 Jun 2009

Uncle Marty on a "fishing" trip with his "close" friend

An exercise in Post processing with a bit of humour thrown in.
(From this flickr discussion)

From the original images below:

10 Jun 2009

Death and Decay in the Outback

Death and Decay

A long dead sheep kangaroo partially mummified by the dry outback climate
I originally thought this was a sheep due to skull size and hair near the bones but was corrected by *JC*2

Merci Monsieur!

Cathrine-Ann Duo


Cathrine posed for a number of amateur photographers including myself some time back. It's nice to see one of the images I shot being used in her promo's. It was definately my favourite from the day. For more see my flickr set

9 Jun 2009

Giant Camping Kettle

Camping Kettle, originally uploaded by funkyb.

8 Jun 2009

One Orange Mannequin

Shot in the back streets of Bangkok early on a grey morning while I was out walking. These mannequins are being delivered to a dress stall that was being set up.

As the cart passed a slightlky brighter patch between two buildings the bright orange mannequin cut through the otherwise drab scene and caught my attention.

*Not coloured or desaturated in Photoshop

Off Season Punts on Lake Phewa Pokhara Nepal

punts on lake fewa, originally uploaded by funkyb.

27 May 2009

buddhist monk thailand

buddhist monk thailand, originally uploaded by funkyb.

25 May 2009

Death by chilli

Death by chilli, originally uploaded by funkyb.

24 May 2009

man on rope

man on rope, originally uploaded by funkyb.

Bangkok Ferry Dock

Bangkok Ferry Dock, originally uploaded by funkyb.

Combined with soft light (it was cloudy) the wooden walkway had such a nice patina from all the feet polishing it that this was a beautiful spot despite just being a dirty walkway

22 May 2009


stretch, originally uploaded by funkyb.

Duotone image of a one of the visiting Chinese acrobat troupe.

Image is first converted to black and white
then to 8bit greyscale
then duotone using black and a warm grey

20 May 2009

Hayley Beth

Hayley Beth, originally uploaded by funkyb.

Cottonmouth XII performance

19 May 2009

The egg delivery boy Kathmandhu

The egg delivery boy Kathmandhu, originally uploaded by funkyb.